Get In Touch - You May Be Eligible For Funding Support

Management Capability Development Fund image
Small businesses may qualify for funding to help pay for services such as training workshops, courses and coaching that build the management capabilities of their owners and key managers.

Management Capability Development funding is only available through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) Growth Advisors and can be used with service providers registered with the RBP Network.

Funding may be provided to a business where the Growth Advisors have identified a need for management training as part of an action plan to support the business owner to grow and innovate their business. Business owners are then able to select a service from a registered Service Provider.

Management Capability Fund criteria. For more information or to find you local Growth Advisor, go to Regional Business Partners Growth Advisors
For South Canterbury (Timaru, Mackenzie and Waimate districts) your Growth Advisor is the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce.

Onsite Insight offers services that are registered with the Management Capability Development Fund.

  • Business Planning and Strategic Develpment
  • Business Systems and Operational Efficiency
  • Leadership Development
  • Managing Human Resources and Leadership
  • Lean Methodology for Simplified Ways of Working
  • Pragmatic Problem Solving